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Heritage Center

Heritage Center

So the stories of hundreds of women religious will be told well into the future, the Women’s Religious Archives Collaborative has launched a multi-million dollar campaign to support the building of a heritage center to open in Cleveland in Spring 2026. The center will be the nation’s first independent repository for Catholic Sisters’ archival collections. It will offer dynamic public programming, exhibitions, meeting space, and be an important place for research and remembrance.

In total, WRAC expects to meet the needs of more than 500 individual women religious who are members of 40 congregations today, giving them agency over telling their stories for future generations—honoring the past while also inspiring future generations to think, dream, and serve in response to the needs of their time.

Download a WRAC Heritage Center case for support or Donate to help preserve and celebrate the contributions of women religious, which have been impactful.

WRAC Building Rendering

Campaign Progress

Campaign Thermometer showing 13 million dollars raised


The following congregations’ archives will be cared for in perpetuity by WRAC: 

Interested in becoming a WRAC congregation? 

Sisters’ Stories

American history cannot be told without recounting the inspired and faithful service of women religious. Across centuries and decades, their efforts—abundant with creativity, compassion, and courage—have changed countless lives. From their missions to open orphanages in war torn countries, to establishing and staffing hospitals in developing urban centers, to founding schools as teachers and administrators, to marching for civil rights, WRAC ensures these Catholic sisters’ legacies.  

Here are a few of their stories:


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Stay up to date on all of WRAC’s news and updates by subscribing to the monthly newsletter.